Inini Initiative

Child abuse and family problems can be harmful, and problems that occur in childhood can lead to an increased risk of mental illness in adulthood. Job loss, unemployment and retirement are associated with an increased risk of depression in men than in women. One in seven men who lose their job can become depressed. The Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey: Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing in England, 2014. Global mental health: Five key findings from new data. Sexism is harmful to men’s mental health. World Health Report: Mental health disorders affect one in four people.

Men aged 40 to 49 have the highest suicide rate in the UK. Three times as many men as women die by suicide. Men also report lower life satisfaction than women, according to the government’s National Wellbeing Survey. In other surveys from around the world have shown that men find it difficult to deal openly with mental health and that they are at higher risk of suicide than women. This is something special that we want to address. Men are three times more likely than women to be addicted to alcohol and three times more likely to be drug addicts. Men are more likely to use psychological therapies than women (36% of referrals to NHS talk therapies for men compared with 5%). Men are also twice as likely to be detained for treatment as women. Three-quarters of the adults missing are men.

At the same time, research into men’s health is given low priority. This lack of financial resources and attention perpetuates the delusion that no one cares about men’s mental health.16 Men do not want to burden others, and if they can manage it alone, they will will.7 Not discussing feelings with family and friends leads to social isolation, exacerbates relationship difficulties, and exacerbates feelings of depression. This began with a study by the University of British Columbia (UBC) in Vancouver, Canada, published in 2016 by Canadian GPs. In the study, the authors explained that the prescribed, age-old notion of gender is likely part of the cause of the development of mental health problems in men and the reason why men postpone seeking professional help.

Some disorders in men are difficult to detect. Men who are depressed, for example, can appear angry, grumpy, sad or withdrawn. But for men with depression it is difficult to get help. Some see depression as a sign of weakness rather than a treatable disease. This is particularly true when it comes to men’s mental health. There are so many mental health statistics that it is hard to say whether these figures represent what is actually happening. What they tell us is that mental health problems are reported but many cases go undiagnosed. Recent research offers explanations and suggestions as to how this can be remedied. In its 2018 report, the American Psychological Association (APA) stresses that the cultural stigma surrounding mental health is one of the main barriers to people admitting their struggles and seeking help. This stigma is particularly pronounced in men.

Men with body image problems become obsessed with their muscles, skin, genitals and nasal hair. These are the parts of the body on which women’s body image does not focus. Men with eating disorders exercise excessively in the gym. You see too much and too many calories. Many men have difficulty communicating how they feel and figuring out how to talk about it. Your healthcare provider can help you get the treatment you need. They are used to dealing with these issues. In some cases, you can solve your problems through therapy or medication.